Deep Run Farms, named after the stream that runs through Horner family land, is a family run produce farm located at the Baltimore County & Carroll County line off Maryland Route 30.

Wayne Horner
Founder of Deep Run Farms

Wayne Horner, a 4th generation farmer, founded Deep Run Farms in 1975, began his career in farming with his uncles, the Lippy Brothers. He attended the University of Maryland to study Agronomy, and then started his own business 35 years ago. In addition to owning and operating Deep Run Farms, he also brings his education and decades of experience in Agronomy to his work with The Mill’s Hampstead location.

Greg Horner
Management and Operation

Wayne’s son, Greg Horner, assists in all aspects of management and operation of Deep Run Farms, continuing this rich family tradition into its 5th generation. He grew up on the family farm, helping his father and showing Hereford cattle at 4H and National Jr shows from a very early age. Greg then attended Butler County in 2000 on a Livestock Judging Scholarship, and then moved on to Kansas State University where he studied Horticulture. In 2010, he came to Deep Run Farms to work with his father full-time.

The Horner Family is dedicated to producing the highest quality vegetables using environmentally-friendly and and technologically advanced agricultural practices. We also keep approximately 15 head of elite Hereford cattle, and have show heifer and steer prospects available. Ask us about freezing quantities of vegetables and freezer beef.